
by - 8月 09, 2019



因為我在2018/12/19預約了1/3去辦德國簽證, 然後才開始申辦限制提領帳戶,但是這時剛好會碰上德國的Christmas break,所以當初就很擔心會不會來不及開好戶得到存款證明。真的是還好X-patrio效率非常高,讓我順利在去辦德簽之前得到存款證明。


2018/12/20 19:08完成申請限制提領帳戶,20:19收到匯款資訊
2018/12/21 9:30之前完成匯款
2018/12/27 23:49收到限制提領帳戶寄來的財務證明



If, your Total Blocked Amount will be transferred by a relative or friend we kindly ask that you send the following documents.

1. Proof of Identification: Passport or ID card (colour)

2. Proof of address: Utilities bills, invoices or phone bills, etc...
3.Proof of Bank Transfer: Receipt of transfer from the bank


X-patrio還有一點很棒的就是,他會提早匯錢給你XD通常在前一個月的24-29號之間就把下個月的錢匯進你的帳戶。因為我本來是申請6個月的blocking period,但我在7/30就離開德國了,本來應該要做一些關戶動作,X-patrio才會把8月的錢匯回我台灣的帳戶,但因為他都會提早把錢給我,所以我可以在7月底就把8月的錢都領出來,就不用多一道關戶手續了XD

把blocked amount匯入限制提領帳戶後,下個步驟是等到你在德國開完當地的實體銀行或網路銀行,填寫X-patrio的Activation Order,並附上他要求的文件,你當初匯入X-patrio的錢就會每個月都進到你的德國銀行帳戶了。

To receive your monthly disbursements, please send the following documents via email to service@x-patrio.com with your user ID + Activation Order in the subject line:

1. The signed X-patrio “07 Activation Order”

2. German visa document
3. EU entry stamp in your passport
4. City registration (“Anmeldung”) from the city hall (“Bürgeramt”)
5. The German bank account opening document with your IBAN/BIC and address

Please attach all documents in one email to avoid any potential delays. As soon as we have received and reviewed your documents, we will activate your account the next working day.

這邊特別提醒大家,Activation Order必須親筆簽名,所以你必須把Activation Order印出來簽名後,再拍照傳給X-patrio


Should you wish to close your blocked account early, we kindly ask that you provide the following 3 documents:

1. Your signed 09 Closing Order - the details must match the original sender's information (Please be advised we can only send the money back to your home account where the money was originally sent from, not to your current German account. This is due to international anti-money laundering regulations)

2. 'Sperrfreigabe' this is a document from the German Embassy in your home country (or the Foreigner's Office if you are still in Germany) stating that we must return the funds back to the original sender's account
3. Copy of the initial bank transfer receipt - where we can find the transfer details such as the transfer amount, account number, and BIC code

The total amount will be sent back to you, , minus your fees. Should there be any bank fees the 100€ buffer will be used to cover the costs.

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